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Repelling mosquitoes?

You know you're in for trouble when you hear that annoying buzz: a mosquito! These horrors can be identified by their long legs and wings and the large proboscis they use to deliver their sting. They're a real menace, especially in your bedroom, disrupting your sleep and leaving irritating bites. Here's what you need to know about mosquitoes, how to prevent them and how you can get rid of them.

Where are mosquitoes found and what attracts them?

Mosquitoes are found almost everywhere, but you're most likely to see them near water, where they breed. They're attracted to body heat, the carbon dioxide we exhale, and the scents we emit, especially our less pleasant body odours, like sweat. Mosquitoes can detect a sleeping human from quite a distance!


When are mosquitoes most active?

Mosquitoes are active all year round, but they bother us most during the warmer months. This is when they reproduce and need blood to develop their eggs. You might also find them in your home during the winter. These mosquitoes have probably come inside to hibernate and are less likely to bite.


How fast do mosquitoes reproduce?

Mosquitoes reproduce incredibly fast. Under the right conditions, their life cycle from egg to adult can be just 10 to 14 days. In summer, an adult female will lay between 100 and 200 eggs, usually in stagnant water. These eggs soon become adults ready to breed. This rapid cycle can quickly cause mosquito populations to explode.


Are mosquitoes harmful or dangerous?

Luckily, most mosquitoes in Northern Europe are not dangerous, although there is an increase in sightings of exotic species, such as the tiger mosquito, which can pose a health risk. These mosquitoes are becoming a greater threat in Southern Europe as their numbers rise. Mosquitoes are more than just a nuisance. They deliver nasty bites that leave itchy welts and can disrupt sleep with their irritating buzzing.

5 top tips for preventing mosquitoes

We'd all like to avoid dealing with the mosquito's annoying buzzing and itchy bites. Here are our tips for keeping them away.

1. Install screens

The most obvious way to prevent mosquitoes is to stop them from entering your home in the first place. If you prefer to sleep with your bedroom window open in summer, fit an insect screen to the window.

2. Use a mosquito net

If installing window screens isn't an option, hanging a mosquito net around your bed is an effective alternative. This will protect you from mosquito bites, and it's an excellent way of keeping bugs away from cots and playpens.

3. Don't let water become stagnant

Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, and a small amount of water in an overlooked bucket can become a breeding ground. By making sure there's no standing water in your garden, you can significantly reduce the mosquito population in and around your home.

4. Maintain a healthy pond

If you have a pond, keep it healthy with a diverse ecosystem. While you can't prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs in your pond, natural predators like frogs, newts, and fish will happily control the population for you by eating the larvae.

5. Encourage natural predators

The greatest enemies of the mosquito are bats and birds, particularly swallows. A single bat can eat thousands of insects a night. You can attract these natural predators to your garden by installing nesting boxes.

About super ninja

Effective and sustainable pest control.

Super Ninja believes that sustainable and responsible pest control should be todays’ standard. Effective to remove nuisance, safe for people, pets, and the environment.

Due to a lack of sustainable pest control products and as a result of his own frustrations, in 2014, our founder Ferdinand developed our first product: the Fruit Fly Ninja.

While he was trapped at home with a knee injury - surrounded by fruit flies – he discovered how natural ingredients can be just as effective as chemical ones. Especially when combined into an innovative product design.

We find the
best alternatives

We believe in the power of natural ingredients and innovative designs.

We respect
the environment

We aim for a positive impact – without negative side effects.

We keep on

We continuously search for more – and only the best - pest control solutions.